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  RPEY - The Russian Parametric Electric motor by Yalovega

More than 100 years the inventors in all industrial countries of the world undertook unsuccessful attempts to invent such electric motors, which could replace engines with a constant current more simple, reliable, compact and cheap as asynchronous motors (AC), but with simple and convenient regulation of frequency of rotation of the shaft, as at engines of a constant current.

The energy saving engines, named RPEY, is created to replace the asynchronous engines and engines of a constant current. Also to keep all the positive properties of asynchronous engine but not their faults.

The RPEY can be made in a metal construction of a standard three-phase asynchronous motor by replacing the stator windings. All the technology of manufacturing and assembly are kept. The RPEY consumes less electric power by 2 - 3 times than asynchronous electric motors, while fulfilling similar work.

The solution was found in mid 60▓s by Nikolai Vasilievich Yalovega. The two-phase electric motors included in a three-phase network direct were invented, without phase-shifting devices in the beginning. Then there were developed the more perfect parametric electric motors of an alternating current of six-phase on a number of independent windings of stator and three-phase on the power supply. These works were by a basis of a new direction of construction of electrical machines of an alternating current.

Serious and impartial tests were carried out in 1992 in Austria at the specialized electro- machine building enterprise ELIN, have confirmed the unique functional characteristics and energy saving of property of these engines. The name of the new engines has been established as the Russian Parametric Electric Motors by Yalovega, in abbreviated form RPEY.

How does the RPEY essentially differ from traditional asynchronous electric motors?    

The basic difference from traditional asynchronous electric motors consists in that the RPEY are projected under the new theory of electric motors of an alternating current.

The traditional asynchronous electric motor can be presented as three single-phase electric motors in uniform electromagnetic system: AN; BN; CN moved on a phase on 120 degrees, (circuit a star) and included directly in a three-phase network.

The complex of three single-phase unstable engines does also have a three-phase asynchronous electric motor on 95% of high-speed range but is unstable. Let's note also the bad form of the mechanical characteristic: the starting moment is small, and 95 % of a high-speed range of the characteristic is unstable (instability failure).

At an overload of the asynchronous electric motor the frequency of rotation of its shaft decreases unsignificantly, and the current sharply grows, engine to overheat.

At an underloading of the asynchronous electro moror the factor of capacity sharply falls, getting in area of low meanings. There is a large current consumption.  

The asynchronous electric motor working under loading, «overturns» and easier speaking - burns.


The energy saving RPEY can also be presented as three two-phase electric motors in uniform electromagnetic system included without phase-shifting devices direct in a three-phase network. More precisely, there is a six-phase on number of independent windings of stator and three-phase on the power supply. 

The complexity of three steady two-phase engines the RPEY is steady in all high-speed ranges. Due to what, has appeared the good form of the mechanical characteristic and a large starting moment.

The frequency of rotation of the shaft of the RPSEY at an overload - decreases but the current is not increased almost.

Such engine can work long time on small revolutions with the large loading in a mode of a blocked rotor and not overheating.

This ideal quality at heavy start-up with the large time of transient.  When is required «to untwist» loading with the moment of resistance considerably in 2 or 3 and more time exceeding the nominal moment.  Let's note also the good form of the mechanical characteristic and a large starting moment.

The strength of the given invention consists first of all that the RPEY can be made in metal construction of a standard three-phase asynchronous electric motor by a rotor with squirrel cage only by replacement of stator windings.

All metal construction of asynchronous electric motor and all technology of its assembly remain former. There is no need to retrain the personnel and to equip manufacture with what or new machine tools and equipment.

The RPEY made in metal construction of traditional asynchronous electric motor keep all positive properties of the asynchronous electric motor, but thus there are new unique properties:

1 The RPEY are adjusted by smooth regulation of a voltage at constant frequency of a current.  

Result: Millions of consumers will receive accessibility for smaller price, reliable and convenient in operation energy saving electric motors. Externally, RPEY can not be distinguished from traditional asynchronous engines and it is easy to build in to the existing process equipment. The high quality of energy on an input of the electric motor is provided with auto transformers, simple, reliable, accessible in price, and can be hand-operated or with a remote control. Thus highly skilled attendants are not required. The operational charges do not grow.

2. Mechanical characteristic is steady and starting moment maximal and is 2 or 3 times more than at the asynchronous electric motor.   

Result: Even to units with heavy start-up, apply RPEY without excess of the established capacity, and consequently the electric motor works in the field of high EFFICIENCY. It allows RPEY to be used in especially heavy cases of operation - in mode of operations with a blocked rotor, for example, in a drive of rolling mills or drive of drilling rigs. 

3. At non-nominal loading the power EFFICIENCY of RPEY is reduced insignificantly, as opposed to asynchronous electric motors.  

Result: Even in a non-controllable drive at frequently varying loading, RPEY work more economically than asynchronous by 2 -3 times.

4. At significant fluctuations of voltage, including fall in some times, not "overturns", as the asynchronous motor and steadily continues to work with smaller capacity, but with high EFFICIENCY.  

Result: Safety in operation and high average EFFICIENCY on a long interval of time, including work with alternating loadings, often start-up, stops, reversal, idling and with small loadings.

5. Repetition factor of starting currents is lowered with 7 up to 3.5.  

Result: Automatically, without special devices the smooth start-up without impacts on the connected machine is provided, the overheating is reduced during often start-up and stops, the between-repairs resource raises. 

6. The critical overload of the engine is accompanied by smooth decrease of revolutions of the shaft - critical moment and sharp stop is absent. 

Result: The safety in operation of the engine and connected machine is increased; the allowable number of start-up and stops during the given time and in special modes is increased.

7. The overall dimensions and weight are reduced on 25 % - 100 %, at preservation of landing places of the asynchronous engine of similar capacity and purpose.  

Result: In standard dimensions of the asynchronous electric motor it is possible to increase capacity by 25 %, and in a case of submersible electric motors it was possible to raise capacity on 100 % (in 2 times).

  The result is magnificent.

There are, electric motors, which were developed more than hundred years was lead up by the best research institutes and firms all over the world, can have on hundreds kg less weight at the same useful capacity, besides that, there are new unique properties. It has become possible due to the invention essentially of new concept of project of electric motors of an alternating current.

Results of tests modernized on the circuit RPEY of the serial asynchronous electric motor ю4-400у, capacity of 500 kW (680 HP). In the factory protocols RPEY is written down as ою-400у

The name of parameter




1. Rated power, kW.




2. Rated voltage, V.




3. Rated current of a phase, ю.




4. Sliding, %.




5. Weight of the electric motor, kg.




6. Effectiveness ratio of EFFICIENCY, %.




7. Factor of capacity Cos, %.




8. Moment of inertia of a rotor, kg m2




9. Time of transient, sec.




10. Allowable deviations of a voltage from       nominal, %.




11. Starting moment, Йg m




12. Total losses of the engine, kW.




  After modernization of the serial asynchronous electric motor ю4-400у-с3 under the circuit RPEY, the useful capacity has increased on 146 kW (198.56 HP). Thus the heating has decreased, and it means that is possible still to increase capacity.

In the same dimensions, but instead of 500 kW (680 HP) have received 646 kW (878.56 HP). The following on capacity the serial asynchronous electric motor ю4-400сл-4сг has under passport 630 of kW (856,8 HP). Really develops only 618 kW (840.48 HP) and weight on 220 kg more.

Hence economy of materials makes 220 kg, and stamped from dear electro-technical steel of stator plates and bus-bar armature copper, and it is a nominal mode of operations.

Besides at the modernized asynchronous electric motor the frequency of rotation of the shaft is adjusted simple by the multi-winding three-phase transformer. This new property is not inherent in the asynchronous electric motor.

But the main difference from the standard asynchronous electric motor is energy saving of property of RPEY. The traditional asynchronous electric motor has good power parameters only in one point - point of nominal mode of operations.

The energy saving RPEY motor has high power parameters in a wide range of change of loading and voltage. The executed projects of RPEY have captured power line from 0.25 kW (0.34 HP) up to 2000 kW (2720 HP).

The novelty of the technical decisions used by development of RPEY is confirmed by the patents of Russia, USA, Canada, Austria, Germany, France, Great Britain,

and Italy.

In the conclusion, we shall note: the asynchronous electric motors can be replaced on RPEY with huge economic benefit. We plan to create the first in the world factory to manufacture the energy saving RPEY electric motors.

We invite to this perspective project investors and all interested physical and legal persons.  


Copyright(c) 2005 My Company. All rights reserved. 



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