China, India and countries of South East Asia, are promptly
developing the industry. Today the volume of consumption of energy resources in
these countries competes with that of the USA and European countries.
consumption of natural energy resources and their price steadily grows. The
production, transportation and processing of natural energy resources are
accompanied by numerous failures and ecological accidents. Fear of ecological death of all mankind does not delay
the development of industry.
In a severe competitive struggle, the winner is the one
who, by manufacturing similar products, consumes less electric power. The
complete development of energy saving technologies is the main objective of a
modern science and practice. Methods of achieving this purpose can be different.
But only the one who will proceed with energy saving technologies faster, will
become the winner.
The analysis of define the most effective methods of
energy efficiency. The purpose of such analysis is the block diagram of
manufacturing and its current consumption, will allow to qualitative estimation
of the weight importance of each link of the block diagram. It will allow the
choice of a priority in the direction of development of energy saving
technologies in different industries by criterion: the minimal investment of
monetary resources to the maximal increase of efficiency.
STATION. It is well known that about 75 % of all electric power is
developed by thermal turbines of power stations. The thermal power station
processes natural energy resources such as petroleum (black oil), gas, coal, and
peat into electric power. The EFFICIENCY of transformation of natural energy
resources into electric power by thermal turbine makes 21%.
The total EFFICIENCY of power stations is about 70 % at
the expense of additional beneficial use of pair and hot water. In the given
analysis it is important to know with what efficiency natural energy resources
to electrical energy will be transformed. EFFICIENCY = 21 %. It is also very important to understand, that gas, coal,
petroleum (black oil), and peat - are not renewable energy resources on the
2. STEP-UP SUBSTATION. Raising transformer substation: EFFICIENCY = 98
3. TRANSMISSION FACILITIES. High-voltage lines connecting power stations with the
industrial consumers of the electric power. The total losses in the country
achieve 4 % - 6 %. EFFICIENCY = 95 %.
4. STEP-DOWN SUBSTATION. Decrease transformer substations: EFFICIENCY = 98
5. ELECTRIC DRIVE. Drive: from 60 % up to 70 % of all made electric power is
consumed by asynchronous three-phase electric motors. Let's view them in more in
Theoretically and under the passport, in the nominal mode
of operations the asynchronous engines have high EFFICIENCY = 80 % - 95 %. Such
a mode of operations is really possible to artificially create in laboratory
In real conditions of operation, practically none of the
asynchronous electric motors work in a nominal mode.
First, because the asynchronous electric motors have an
unsatisfactory (nasty) mechanical characteristic: this is the dependence of the
frequency of rotation of the shaft of the engine and moment. The starting moment
is small, and 95 % of a high-speed range of the characteristic is unstable (instability
failure). For
this reason, the speed of the asynchronous electric motor is not adjusted to one
parameter - voltage or current, but 99 % of all technological operations require
Second, the small starting moment results in the
designers and experts of
operation of the electric equipment to overestimate the established capacity of
the asynchronous electric motors by 1.5 - 2 times, and in case of heavy start-up
even by 3 - 4 times. It results in a decrease of reliability and essential
losses of the electric power. After the start-up of the equipment, as a rule,
there is a fall of loading and the engine gets into an area of low
Third, if there are enough start-ups and stops at one
o'clock, depending on the direction, the EFFICIENCY of asynchronous engines
essentially falls.
Fourth, the long work in addition to small loadings
And finally, the voltage reduction in an electrical
network and a bad quality of energy, which can be caused by the practice of
various technological reasons, reduces EFFICIENCY. The asynchronous electric
motor requires precisely rated voltage. The downturn of a voltage in total of 5 % can result in
With complex and responsible technological equipment,
control systems and regulations of speed can be established as devices of
protection of the electric motor. It essentially raises the cost of equipment.
That is why the adjustable electric drives make less than 10 % of the general
number of used asynchronous electric motors. Millions of the consumers use
non-controllable asynchronous electric motors.
Usually, experts do not trouble themselves with checking
of real EFFICIENCY of asynchronous electric motors. And this is vain. It is
convenient to think, that the efficiency is such, as is specified in the
passport. They forget that it happens only at nominal loading, rated voltage,
and ideal sine wave form of a voltage. In such conditions no technological
equipment can work.
For these reasons, over a period of time, about one month
or three or more, the average meaning of EFFICIENCY of asynchronous engines in
view of work with small loading, in a mode of start-up, stops, varied on a
direction etc. in various branches of a national economy is in a range of 12 %
up to 30 %.
For example, direct measurements of EFFICIENCY of the
submersible asynchronous engine for oil-extracting on a real oil-well have shown
the meaning of EFFICIENCY within the limits of 18 % - 22 %, though in laboratory
on the simulator this parameter made 75 %. This is not because of bad
submersible electric motors or personnel the matter in Russia. The American experts working in Russia know that Russia has very good specialists.
The asynchronous electric motors however, do not work in
a nominal mode.
Let's return to our calculation of real efficiency of
transformation natural energy resources into useful work. We accept in accounts
average EFFICIENCY of asynchronous electric motors 30%. Dont be surprised, even
this is a high meaning.
Working machine intended for transformation of electrical
energy to useful work. Working machines (process equipment) in nominal
conditions can have high EFFICIENCY, down to 80 % - 90 %. However, practically
all technological operations require regulation of working parameters. With the
absence of regulations, the EFFICIENCY of the working machine is reduced to 30
40 % We accept EFFICIENCY = 40 %.
The existing controls systems of asynchronous electric
motors allow the adjustment of frequency of the rotation of the shaft of the
electric motor and accordingly optimize work of the processing equipment have
expensive costs. Besides, they require constant presence of highly skilled
attendants. In addition it increases financial expenses. Therefore, the share of
adjustable drives does not exceed 10 % and in accounts they can be neglected.
Let's count now the efficiency of transformation of
natural energy resources in the useful operation. For this purpose, we shall
multiply EFFICIENCIES of all basic making block diagrams in relative units.
Total EFFICIENCY = 0,21 * 0,98 * 0,95 * 0,98 * 0,3
* 0,4 = 0,02. Only 2 %!
Nearly 98 % of potential natural energy resources turn to
a poisonous smoke and heating of the environment! The transformation natural
energy resources in useful operation in an industry and agriculture occur on 2
The figures, used in accounts, can differ from what you
use. It depends on sources of the information. Strength of the given analysis is
that, it does not influence accuracy of the received result. Really, millions of consumers use non-controllable
asynchronous electric motors. It is
the fact. The uncontrollability of asynchronous electric motors
brings in the determining contribution to power inefficiency of the use of
natural energy resources.
Does this not explain the basic reason of shortage of
energy resources and approaching global power crisis? All this is also
accompanied by numerous ecological problems in different parts of the world.
What to do?
practices in energy management.
How can we raise the effectiveness ratio at a minimal
investment of means? Obviously, it is necessary to choose a priority direction
by criterion: the minimal investment of monetary resources to the maximal
increase of efficiency. Let's make one more
* THE EFFICIENCY of the thermal turbine of power station
theoretically is possible to rise on 1.5 %. It requires huge monetary
investments and of extensive work in scientific research institutes and
experimental manufactures. It is expensive and
* THE EFFICIENCY of transformer substations can be lifted
on 1%, but it too will require large capital investments and extensive
* To raise EFFICIENCY of high-voltage lines it is
possible on 2% - 3% at the expense of the introduction of new technologies, for
example the use of lower temperatures, etc. The work requires huge capital
investments and will also take a long time.
* EFFICIENCY of the asynchronous electric drive and a
working machine has dependable EFFICIENCY, therefore, as a parameter of
efficiency it is necessary to consider their products.
offers energy saving solution that can be implemented right away.
Nikolai Vasilievich and Sergei Nikolaevich Yalovega have
thought up energy saving electric motors of an alternating current named RPEY.
How is it possible to solve a problem of ENERGY EFFICIENCY with the help
The task can be solved by simple replacement of existing
asynchronous electric motors with RPEY. Numerous research studies in real
conditions of operation have shown that RPEY, at performance of the same work as
asynchronous electric motors, consume two to three times less electric power.
Strength of the given solution is that it does not
require huge monetary investments and extensive years of work. Such a
replacement can be made on the existing equipment by simple modernization of
asynchronous electric motors.
This means modernization, but what does it
offer? |
The design of the electric motor is kept complete. The
technology of its assembly remains in its former form. There is no need to
retrain the personnel and to equip manufacturers with new machine tools and
equipment. RPEY is made in a design of the traditional asynchronous electric
motor. It keeps all the positive properties, including high power parameters in
the nominal mode of operations, besides that, there are new unique
1. RPEY is adjusted at a constant frequency of a current
with a smooth change of size of voltage in all high-speed ranges. In result,
millions of consumers have the appearance of adjustable energy saving electric
motors externally that are not distinguishable from the asynchronous electric
It is not difficult to install RPEY
into the existing equipment.
The regulation of frequency of rotation of the shaft in
RPEY is provided with auto transformers which are simple, reliable, and
accessible in price. They can be hand-operated or by a remote control. This does
not require highly skilled attendants. In those cases where attendants are
required, exact regulations and application feedback are provided with the
simple design of semi-conductor regulators of voltage. The consumers will receive inexpensive control
2. RPEY has a steady range in all mechanical
characteristics. The starting moment is maximal and it is 2 - 3 times more than
with asynchronous electric motors. Even in the event of heavy start-up of
equipment, RPEY can be applied without excess of the established capacity.
Therefore, the RPEY motor always works in the field of high
3. In the event when there is not a place with nominal
loading, the EFFICIENCY of RPEY is reduced considerably. Therefore, even in a
non-controllable drive, when loading frequently varies, the RPEY is 2 or 3 times
more economic than asynchronous engines.
4. With fluctuations of voltage, including a decline some
times, and not "overturns", as with the asynchronous electric motors, RPEY
steadily works with a smaller capacity, but at the same time with a higher
EFFICIENCY. For this reason, the safety in operation and the average (on a long
interval of time) of EFFICIENCY has been raised.
5. For this reason, the smooth start-up, without impacts
on the connected machine, is provided. The heating of the electric motor during
frequent start-ups and stops is reduced resulting in reliability and the
between-repairs resources to rise. The cost for the service of technological
equipment as a whole is lowered.
6. The critical overload of the engine is accompanied by
a smooth decrease of frequency of rotation of the shaft of the electric motor.
The critical moment and sudden stops of the electric motor are absent. For this
reason, safety in operation of the engine and the connected working machine
raises. The allowable number of start-ups and stops during the given time and in
special modes is increased.
7. The dimensions and weight of the electric motor, in
comparison to the asynchronous electric motors of similar capacity, are reduced
by 25 % - 100 %. Thus the location of fastening of the asynchronous engine of a
similar capacity and purposes are kept.
RPEY will be ideal in situations when the equipment does
not allow for an increase in dimensions of the electric motor, and the large
capacity is necessary, for example, in case of the submersible electro-pump
equipment for oil-extracting.
The RPEY is much more powerful than asynchronous electric
motors, allowing expanding borders of application of such equipment. Short and
powerful submersible RPEY are convenient for using strong curved gas or oil
wells. The RPEY average EFFICIENCY = 70 %
We would like you to note that we offer the most simple
of all known methods of regulation by the electric motor of an alternating
current and simultaneously the most reliable and inexpensive. Besides, at
regulation of amplitude of voltage by the auto transformer, the quality of
energy is always much better than at regulation by semi-conductor frequency
regulators (on a basis thyristors or transistors).
One more very important property of the three-phase oil
transformer is its lasting reliably to work in heavy climatic conditions: sharp
daily differences of temperature, conditions of high elevation, of sea tossing,
etc. The EFFICIENCY of the adjustable working machine is equal to 80 % 90
%. We
accept EFFICIENCY = 80 %.
Let's count now efficiency of transformation of
natural power resources:
Total EFFICIENCY = 0.21* 0.98 * 0.95 * 0.98 * 0.7
* 0.8 = 0.10.
10 % instead of 2 % is turned out. This is 5 times
more economical!
We can raise efficiency of transformation of natural
power resources by 5 times only at the expense of modernization of all
asynchronous engines. Consumers can reduce the consumption of electrical power
by 5 times in engines already existing in the industrial and agricultural
Even if in practice the real consumption would to be
reduced not by 5 times, but by 2 times, it would still be a huge improvement in
the area of ENERGY EFFICIENCY. It is excelent engineering solutions. The unused electric power can be directed to
developing industrial needs without the additional damage to ecology and the
environment, besides saving billions of dollars of
We offer a ready solution that can be implemented right
away for the global problem facing mankind, a problem of shortage and rising
costs of energy resources. This modernization immediately offers large economic
benefits. The novelty of technical solutions in the form of Energy Saving
Resources is confirmed by patents from Russia, USA, Canada, Austria, Germany,
France, Great Britain and Italy. We really have a very good solution for the problem of Energy
Resource Saving.